Youth against border controls between Germany and Denmark

Press release of JEF Germany

, by JEF Deutschland, Translated by Pauline Gessant

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Youth against border controls between Germany and Denmark

June 17, the Young European Federalists launch a protest action against the reintroduction of border controls in Denmark.

BERLIN. On Friday, June 17, the Young European Federalists (JEF) hold a protest action against the reintroduction of border controls in Denmark and against the questioning of the Schengen agreements. The slogan for the events in the border towns of Krusau (Denmark / Germany), Schengen (Luxembourg / Germany) and Kehl (France / Germany) is: “A future without boundaries!”. It was in May that the Danish government decided the reintroduction of border controls. Since the month of April already, France and Italy have also called for a reform of the Schengen agreements to facilitate the reintroduction of border controls.

The Young European Federalists (JEF) commit clearly to a free and open Europe without borders. Appointment is given by the youth organization on June 17, 2011 for a federal protest movement organized in several symbolic places to mark the occasion for a strong united Europe. A big event will take place in Krusau at the border between Germany and Denmark. JEF members and representatives of young political parties from Northern Germany, mainly from Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg and Berlin will go to the border to protest for a free Europe without borders. Other activities will take place in Schengen at the border between Germany and Luxembourg and in Kehl, at the French-German border. Young people are afraid of a threatened future of their free Europe.

It was in May that the Danish government said they wanted to reintroduce permanent border controls with their neighboring countries of Germany and Sweden in the fight against crime and economic refugees. JEF argues firmly against the reintroduction of border and the preventing of the free movement in Europe. For 15 years, the Schengen agreements has allowed the free movement of persons between Member States without border controls. Today, 400 million citizens enjoy freedom of movement without border controls in this free Europe. One of the greatest progresses of the united Europe is then threatened. Lars Becker, president of JEF Germany requires that “the Danish plans to question the Schengen agreements, which could lead to the reintroduction of internal borders in Europe are not made.” JEF will not accept to lose their freedom of movement in Europe.

The sections of JEF Germany from Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Bremen, Berlin, Saarland and Baden-Württemberg will participate together with the JEF sections of Denmark and Luxembourg as well as with youth organizations of political parties.

The Young European Federalists Germany eV are part of a European movement of young people, who are independent of political parties and are committed since 1946 to a Europe of peace, a fair and democratic Europe, close to the citizen, in a sense of responsibility for future generations. JEF sections exist in 30 European countries. In Germany, JEF has 15 regional sections and about 3,000 members between 14 and 35.

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Activities in detail:


Venue: Flensborgvej 26C, 6340 Kruså, Denmark

Time: 4 pm

Planned activities:

 symbolic border controls

 street survey: “Do you want this Europe?”

 symbolic sawing of a border post


Venue: European Information Centre

Time: 5 pm

Planned activities:

 symbolic activities on the border bridge

 Roundtable discussion at the European Information Centre


Venue: passerelle des deux rives (Pedestrian Bridge) in Kehl / Strasbourg

Time: 4 pm

Planned activities:

 symbolic border controls

 street survey: “Do you want this Europe?”

 symbolic sawing of a border post


Coordination: Lars Becker, +49 17 31 97 44 70

Federal Secretariat: Lutz Gude, +49 30 30 36 20 140

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