Federalise EU development aid for more, better and faster delivery - commentaires Federalise EU development aid for more, better and faster delivery 2009-07-06T08:20:09Z https://www.thenewfederalist.eu/Federalise-EU-development-aid-for-more-better-and-faster-delivery#comment7041 2009-07-06T08:20:09Z <p>Aid on its own wont bring to development that is true mainly due to inexperience in handling the Aid properly and corrupt practises. But there are many interesting practises which are being employed for this. For example scanning the cheques which should be recieved to the communities before sending them so they can check if they recieve their appropriate amounts.</p> <p>Though its better to wonder why few african countries have managed to make a proper footing in the industry which is of their comaparative advatage such as Agriculture.</p> <p>The globalisation tides LDC are experiencing are tide of helplessness where non of the opportunities are being handed down to them.</p>