European Vibes:
see the winners on tour!

Great vibes during opening reception

, by Charlotta Asplund

European Vibes: see the winners on tour!

The exhibition of the winning artworks of the European Vibes competition is finally up. With more than one hundred visitors showing up for the opening in Brussels in the end of August, the travelling exhibition got a festive kick off for the coming 31 European destinations. Attention grabbing artworks on show and a great ambience attracted the visitors interest.

As Brussels slowly returned to work after the summer holidays, JEF Europe celebrated “la rentrée” by opening up the doors to the first European Vibes exhibition. During spring thousands of Europeans have shared their visions of Europe over the web in the project run by JEF. At its first venue on August 28 the multimedia exhibition with the winning photo, video and audio contributions attracted more than hundred people to the PA Gallery next to the JEF office.

An eye made up by the European flag was one sight that first met the visitors. “This is how I watch my world with Europe” 18-year old Aleksandrina Mitkova Tozeva, art student from Bulgaria comments her artwork “Europe in my eyes”, which stands out as the winning photo of the European Vibes art competition. Together with 24 other photos her artwork was selected out of the several hundred contributions to the competition running from March till July 2007. European identity, artistic quality and personal liking were the three criteria on which the jury based their ratings and among the winners one can find a variety of visions and views of Europe. A seized moment in a European city, a through-away of a passport, European leaders dancing to the rhythms of Eurovision, the future of Europe in the hands of its youth…

The discussions about the artworks continued among the gallery visitors at the reception in the JEF office garden – spiced up by a wide diversity of wines form all over Europe. In the high spirited crowd several representatives from media and the NGO world were to be found, such as Café Babel, AEGEE, the Youth Political Parties and Euractiv. With people from almost all European countries present, the European vibes reached far beyond the exhibition in the late August evening.

The European Vibes exhibition will now continue its travel across Europe during the whole of autumn. So far 32 cities are set for the exhibition tour, including the great library in Alexandria, Egypt; the next venue coming up is Prague on September 10. See the complete list of exhibition venues here.


 Winner in the Picture category: “Europe in my eyes” by Aleksandrina Mitkova Tozeva; source: europeanvibes

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