Points of contact
Every language section of this magazine has a different editorial team. For the English version, thenewfederalist.eu, the points of contact are as follows:
– Editors-in-Chief: Dvir Ezra Aviam (dvir.ezra at jef.eu and Antonios Tashejian antonios.tashejian at jef.eu)
The Editors-in-Chief ultimately decide whether a submitted article will be published on the website. They coordinate between the different writers, translators and proofreaders.
The New Federalist currently has 24 staff members all working together for the smooth undertaking of running a successful magazine.
If you would like to join our team, keep an eye for our Call for Contributors. We welcome translators from French, German and Italian as well. Although we do not accept applications on a rolling basis, certain exceptions can be met. Otherwise, we accept individual contributions on a rolling basis. Our work is entirely voluntary and non-remunerated.
JEF is a supranational, politically pluralist youth NGO with about 30,000 members in over 30 European countries. The goal of JEF is the creation of a democratic European federation as a crucial ingredient for peace and a guarantee for a more free, just and democratic society. JEF fosters true European Citizenship, works for the widening and deepening of the EU and aims at bringing Europe closer to the citizens. Our ideas are spread through international activities and youth exchanges, publications, public actions and co-operation with other youth organisations.
European Secretariat of JEF
Young European Federalists [JEF-Europe]
International Organisation AISBL
53 Rue d’Arlon
B-1000 Brussels
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