Data journalism: freedom of press in Europe, according to RSF

, by Jacopo Barbati

Data journalism: freedom of press in Europe, according to RSF

TNF supports JEF-Europe’s campaign #DemocracyUnderPressure that this year will take place from the 18th to the 25th of March.

As we did for the 2022 edition of the Democracy Under Pressure campaign [1], we would like to couple what we described during this week with what can be seen through research and data collection and analysis.

We focused on the freedom of press in Europe and beyond thanks to Francesca De Benedetti, but how are European countries performing with regards of freedom of press?

Here follows data, collected and analyzed by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), that shows a general tendency to shrinking of the freedom of press in the last decade in Europe (and Israel, another country in which democracy is under pressure). [2]


[2Visuals on this article were produced by Jacopo Barbati for TNF on Tableau Public with RSF’s data. Source: | Methodology:

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