Iceland and EU accession options - commentaires Iceland and EU accession options 2010-11-18T21:10:49Z 2010-11-18T21:10:49Z <p>Thanks for the reply.</p> <p>Well, I am in favour of new countries accessing the EU but only if the population supports it and is not always concerned about its national sovereignty.</p> <p>We do not need more Eurosceptics. It's already hard enough to fight those we have (- ;</p> Iceland and EU accession options 2010-11-18T09:02:41Z 2010-11-18T09:02:41Z <p>Dear Vincent,</p> <p>Thank you for your comments. It is true, though, that I didn't write to argue for a yes or no to Iceland accession. As Europeans, I think that we shoudln't be closed to any European country, always having in mind that Europe does have limits, I think we can agree than Iceland is within them.</p> <p>It is true though that Iceland is likely to become a difficult country to deal with, so it's up to the reader to conclude which dise wights more. As for me, I think that Icelanders should have a much greater internal consensus before to start such a big change in their history.</p> Iceland and EU accession options 2010-11-16T15:14:54Z 2010-11-16T15:14:54Z <p>Nice article, the only thing I'm missing is a conclusion. Should we, as federalists, be in favour of an Island accession or not ?</p>