The conclusion of the “EU-vote!” campaign

, by JEF-Latvia

The conclusion of the “EU-vote!” campaign
Credits: JEF-Latvia

The campaign “EU-vote!” is made by the Latvian youth organisation “Club “The House” - youth for United Europe” as part of the JEF Europe project “Co-operation You(th) Vote - enabling future active European citizens” (COYV) which the European Union finances.

Follow us on our journey onJEF Latvia and “Club “The House”” Instagram, as well as “Club “The House”” TikTok account.

Since the 25th of March 2023, Latvia’s youth organization ”Club “The House” - youth for United Europe” started its new campaign called EU- vote! (“ES-vēlu!”- in Latvian) as part of the “Co-operation youth vote” (COYV) project to promote the 2024 European Parliament election. Finally, after a month and a half-long of campaigning, it is coming to a close on the 9th of May - European Day. Moreover, this is the last article in cooperation with the “EU-vote!" campaign.

During this campaign, the youth organization “Club “The House” team has done several activities such as conducting street interviews to find out about the youth’s opinion on the EP and the EU, organizing the event “Quick Date with Europe”, visiting country-side schools, etc.

We have achieved bigger youth involvement in sectors like youth work, volunteering, youth activism, and more. Moreover, as a result of this campaign, youngsters from all over Latvia got more educated about the EU, its values, and its legislative structure. After this campaign, the COYV project will continue, to motivate the youth to vote in the 2024 EP election and remind them of the importance of democracy.

The campaign “EU-vote!” is made by the Latvian youth organization “Club “The House” - youth for United Europe” as part of the JEF Europe project “Co-operation You(th) Vote - enabling future active European citizens” (COYV) which is financed by the European Union.

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