After a busy social program and further informal discussions between the members and observers of the Federal Committee, the third and last day of this statutory event began in Tartu’s iconic science center. The program began with a speech by the President of JEF Europe, Christelle Savall, urging unity and collegiality between JEFers and especially towards the secretariat employee of JEF Europe. The speech came in response to the heated discussions at the day before.
What followed was the last gender watch announcement of the FC, which clarified that in the second day of the FC, speaking time was divided 60% to women, 29% to non-binary and 10% to men participants. This highlights the gender diversity in the discussions, which offers all an equal opportunity to participate. An update on existing monitoring procedures also took place, with members of the Executive Board reporting that two concerned sections are showing signs of revival, with new motivated activists getting involved. Later that day, the FC has approved a new monitoring procedure against a section which has not took part in activities and statutory meetings as required by the statute of JEF Europe.
The dates for the next FC, which will take place in Budapest, where announced, and we are looking forward towards the Budapest Fall FC on 8-11/11. After the daily roll call, the chairs of the Political Commissions presented the results in terms of amendments and final drafts of resolution texts. Members of the FC votes first on amendments if any, and than on the resolutions as a whole.
PC1 (Institutional affairs and governance) introduced the resolutions on Fiscal Union and the protection of the rule of law.
Both topics are very important for federalists. Regarding the second resolution, a new addition during the FC discussion was a clause regarding the weakening of the rule of law in countries where it used to be strong. Both resolutions were approved unanimously.
PC2 (internal European affairs) also presented two resolutions:
One regarding circular economy – the commission added an amendment on supporting deposit schemes. The resolution was accepted unanimously.
The second resolution, about a more inclusive Europe, was more contentious and several passionate discussions took place. Additions include supporting regional languages and inclusion of non-EU member states. The resolution was accepted with none against and one abstention.
PC3 (external affairs and global governance) presented its first resolution – an update to the World Federalism resolution.
President Christelle presented several phrasing amendments aimed at streamlining and shortening certain parts in the resolution. Most amendments were accepted by a large majority and one amendment was rejected after a brief discussion.
The resolution was adopted by a large majority, with 2 against and 3 abstentions.
The commission moved forward to present the resolution on Israel-Palestine and the war in Gaza. JEF Germany presented several amendments to the resolution, mostly aimed at highlighting certain condemnations towards the Hamas organization and clarifying several facts contained within the resolution. Most amendments were accepted by a majority and two were rejected. Notable close votes included an amendment to label Hamas as a terrorist organisation rather than an organisation designated as a terrorist organisation by the EU, which was rejected with 14 in favor, 20 against, 10 abstentions. Another amendment to condemn the use of “human shields” by Hamas in addition to the facts contained in the preamble was accepted with 13 in favor, 9 against and 30 abstentions.
After the deliberation of amendments, a discussion regarding the necessity of passing the resolution at all took place, with some arguing that the resolution may be detrimental towards JEF and bears no relevant to the present activities of the organisation. However, this resolution was also approved by a large majority of 34 in favor, 3 against and 8 abstentions.
Following the end of the formal part of the FC, participants embarked on a city tour of the beautiful location of the event – Tartu, and also kept meeting each other in nearby locations such as Tallinn, Riga and Helsinki in the following days.
Navigating the process successfully in the face of sometimes difficult discussions and disagreements were the Presidium of the Federal Committee composed of Gergana Blazheva, Robin Mudry, and Jana Gleim. The Presidium offered us a message for JEFers and federalists following the end of the FC:
“We can’t just sit around and wait for a better future, in a world full of war, poverty or human rights violations. These are just examples, of what will continue to happen if we do not act now. Especially now, with the upcoming European Elections, we all need to participate in shaping the better future of tomorrow.”
TNF thanks JEF Europe for inviting us to cover the FC and all the participants and observers for the good-faith discussions and cooperation with our correspondents!
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